Drive Desired Learning Paths with Adaptive Course Builder

ADAPTIVE COURSE BUILDERCREATE DESIRED LEARNING PATHCreate an engaging learning experience to students and navigate the students to a defined sequence of contents to achieve course objectives. Quiklrn enables faculty to…

Manage Assessments – Offline and Online

EVALUATING WITH ASSESSMENTSLEARNING AND PERFORMANCEHow to  use learning systems for student assessments and to achieve outcomes. Quiklrn platform supports various type of assessments for faculty to evaluate and get insights…

Learning Insights and Dashboards

LEARNING INSIGHTS AND ANALYSISNAVIGATING TO DESIRED LEARNING PATHLearning insights help faculty to understand how well the student has understood the course and how content used by students. Quiklrn captures learning…

Drive Outcome Based Education

OUTCOME BASED EDUCATIONSIMPLIFIED WITH QUIKLRNDriving outcome based education is the key priority in academic institutes. Quiklrn platform is designed to support OBE framework and simplifies the process for institutes to…

Access E-books, Library content, Journals and Courseware

ACCESSING LIBRARY, JOURNAL, e-BOOKSINTEGRATED PLATFORM FOR ALL CONTENTHow to make all learning content accessible from one interface? Quiklrn along with its partners has integrated library management solutions, e-books, e-courses ,…

Consulting Services for Accreditation

ACCREDITATION CONSULTINGENGAGE WITH QUIKLRNPreparing for accreditation for a program or institution is a complex task of organizing documentations as per defined criteria. Quiklrn platform automates preparation of documentation  and simplifies…