02: a: Feedback Question Types

  • Under Edit questions tab, select the type of question from the dropdown.

  • Add a page break: This option will put the following question on a new page.
  • Information: This displays a label plus one of two types of information in the quiz:
    • Course name (short name of the Moodle course site)
    • Course category where the feedback is located (usually this is your University department)

    The Information option is useful if you are using the same Feedback survey in several course sites. The reports you export from each survey will include a column that contains this information, thus making it easier to identify which course site the particular set of answers came from.

  • Label: Allows you to add text between questions for extra explanation or to divide into sections.
  • Multiple choice: Creates a multiple choice question. The question can be set for students to be able to do one of the following:
    • Choose a single answer.
    • Choose multiple answers.
    • Choose a single answer from a drop-down list
  • In Multiple choice:
    • In Adjustment menu, select whether the answer values should be displayed vertically or horizontally.
    • In the Do not analyze empty submits field, select if you want optional questions that were not answered to be added to the results analysis.
    • In the Hide the ‘Not selected’ option field, select if you want ‘not selected’ to be a choice for the students.
    • In the Multiple choice values Use one line for each answer field, enter the answer choices. Start a new line for each answer choice
  • Multiple choice (rated): Creates a multiple choice question. Students can chose a single answer. Each answer has a number associated with it so that reports can show numeric averages.
  • Example: You could use the following question both before and after a course and compare the numeric averages of the results:
  • How would you rate your level of knowledge with the course subject?
    • (5) Very comfortable
    • (4) Good
    • (3) Average
    • (2) Know a little
    • (1) Completely unfamiliar
  • Short text answer: Creates a question with a text box for a typed answer. This is best used for text responses that are expected to be less than about 50 characters.
  • Longer text answer: Creates a question with a text box for a typed answer. You can adjust the size of the text box on the screen. The text box itself accepts a very large amount of text.
  • Numeric answer: Creates a question with a text box for a typed answer. The student can only enter numbers in the answer text box. You can specify an acceptable range for the answer, e.g. 1-100.